Wild Anemones Collection

Wild Anemones Collection

Among all the beautiful flowers that God has created,

How magnificent the anemones fields are,

And I am the beholder of this wonder!

That how beautiful,

With sorrow of love on their hearts,

They were born,

Their roots are in the soil, and they charm us with their looks upon the sky,

When I look at their seeds, they might be hardly visible, but there is hope and a beautiful soul captivated inside them that endows them with endurance to have patience for many years and eventually find favorable circumstances and resume their growth from the dark depths of the earth,

I believe in the wild anemones,

In the crimson of love,

In the greenness of honesty,

In the sticky roots in the earth,

I believe in having roots,

Just like the anemone, I will go on with love and hope,

Even though my steps are slow,

even though my path is full of obstacles!