About Me

About Me

My name is Mona Karimi, the innovator and founder of a collection of artistic achievements inspired by nature. Sometimes I wonder if I took the right path to enter the art realm as an agriculture graduate lady or not? I always conclude that creating an artifact is inspired by an artist’s environment and dreams. In other words, it is the work of the heart, not the mind and reason. These are times that an artist starts to create beauty with great passion and motivation.

I mixed the colors in lucid crystalline resin with my soul, mind, and heart to reflect a part of God’s masterpiece and to create an artifact.

Despite the abstract style and nature of resin being more recognized and widely worked on, the realistic approach in my resin works is so exclusive that I introduced a brand new window into the art of resin to others.

I traveled to different places to choose my subjects. I received inspiration in my vicinity to nature and the magical power of colors. I have heard a piece of music that made the flowers dance around.

“Monami Flowers Symposium” is inspired by the nature of the Caspian Sea region in my country. I create these flowers to picture the flowers that have been created by the unmatched creator the way I see and understand them. One of the human traits that bring their place nearer to God is to create, and it is the best reason for me to put the daily stress and boredom behind me.


In my view, the recreation of these flowers is a new look to the art of resin. I observed great enthusiasm and encouragement from the public and resin artists in other countries on social media and received so many orders and positive feedback that it created a new motivation in my heart to focus all my energy on more extensive areas such as international fairs and to present my works as a collection. This love helped me continue this journey and accept the sweet challenges on the way…